A Wife Worth Dying For - By Wilson Smillie

Detective Sergeant Lachlan “Leccy” Carter has committed his wife to the grave in the sodden atmosphere of an Edinburgh winter.

Alone beside her coffin, he questions what had gone wrong with their love?  They’d married under the neon sun of Las Vegas a year ago, a snap decision typical of Kelsa's impetuousness. They'd been dating six months and were still in the throes of desert passion, and he'd been reluctant to pose awkward questions to his new wife about her ex-boyfriends.

Now, in death, she's sent a psycho stalker to torment him with chilling text messages that threaten to put him in the grave beside her.


  • Wilson Smillie
    A Wife Worth Dying For, a crime novel set in the unforgiving streets of Edinburgh. Out now on Amazon.co.uk. Go on, forget political sleaze for while. Buy it now.
  • Wilson Smillie
    Edinburgh Detective Lachlan "Leccy" Carter faces a conspiracy of silence from his dead wife's family. Find out why on 30th April.
  • Wilson Smillie
    Did I say the new Leccy Carter novel is out soon . . . #Leccy'sDebut #AWifeWorthDyingForNovel
  • Wilson Smillie
    A crime novel to set your heart racing . . .